Monday, April 12, 2010

Dummy #3

assembly in car for a test fit.......  yeah baby

Just sitting in there at the mo to make sure it still goes in note cunning use of rack mount as a chain guard

progress that is !

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Are we Bored yet????

Okay at the risk of sending my dwindling readership to sleep - especially those who actually like to see pictures of whole complete racing cars - we have been busy FINSHING something - well almost....

So just for the hell of it lets step through April as seen by looking at the same bunch of parts we looked at in February - but now with added stuff - actually mostly removed stuff..  as its machined, bored, drilled, turned, faced and whacked with jolly large hammers....

Pinch ring being drilled to hold the eccentrics which were mentioned ages ago

Thats the drive side bearing hiding  in there - scary and expensive!

Sprocket carrier with bronze bush

Dont kink your neck -  but that is an indexed eccentric bearing carrier - lines every 2 degrees

Eccentric left and right at full "soft" at front of plate

Eccentric adjuster holes 5mm - one every 20 degrees - both sides

No room for bolts on the drive side - countersunk screws instead

Dummy Assembly #2 its almost there

Note clearance chamfer - it now dosent hit the bottom engine mount!

Its all together and being beaten into submission - remember  kids do not try this at home - do it in a shed where nobody can see

Money Shot - note the factory forged half shafts - with the level of planning and design that has gone into this unit there was a moment of stark panic when these were found to fit - perfectly - on both sides of  the diff assembly - as you all know by now this must of course be a mistake and our engineering department is rectifying this as I type,  probably with a large hammer...

But you just wait till you see the tripod housings :-)

And here you can see the spilt retaining rings  - also note the traditional engineering safety footwear and precision chain tension adjuster



just need to make an oil tight cover and do some final adjustments.... then some drive shafts and then you can get back to looking at a race car again...