Monday, November 28, 2005

more of the same

Spent a bit of Sunday afternoon grinding the last of the roll cage stubs out - in total its taken 7ish hours to get the old cage totally out - which is about half as long as it takes to put one in.... do not try this at home!
(do what I did - use someone else's garage - its a messy job!)
Pulled the head of the Super Ritmo Cabrio engine - these were the hottest SOHC available to the public - 1600cc and rated at 100hp as apposed to the super 90 Strada - head is dated 1983 and has bigger everything compared to my the 1500 head... off to the engine doctor to get a diagnosis - I just hope he can do something for this patient.
applied paint to the garage at home - hmmm patchy white is much better than black and gray timber....

Monday, November 21, 2005

make haste slowly

No much going on in the lair of the #67 Fiat at the moment -
cut the roll cage stubs down for final grinding (nasty horrible job) seam welded the wheel tubs where they failed when the old roll cage came out.... came up nice.
Threw a bunch of nasty little dabs of weld in the corner of the left A pillar - and then ground it back to look almost kinda just about not quite sick making.... its going to get a skim of filler to make it smooth - I just cant get a weld bead to come out good there - too much braze and seam sealer close to the joins... oh well! add in another 3.5 hours
Another two weekends should see it ready to slide back to my own garage - yay!
From the other weekend I have a bunch of  photos from my trip to Auckland plus a very gratefully received 1500 ported and milled head many thanks to Carl and Bob Hayman - the photo below is of Carls 1500 block with 88mm bore for 1560cc and IAPEL Pistons - looking forward to seeing this back in the #888 car  along with the big and beautiful Lynn Rogers Tipo Head for the Leisure Time series next year. Just hope the gear box hangs in there! on a personal note I am sorting out the cost of the engine for next year just so I have a total to aim for.
Cleaned out the garage at home ready for painting the walls and running the lights hopefully will be done by Christmas.